Secondary : Mobility programme
Temporarily visiting other schools in a different country gives students the chance to develop more intensively in many regards, for example to improve their language skills and to mature through experiencing a different educational and cultural environment.
European schools offer the possibility of hosting other students as well as supporting their students to visit other schools. Both can take place as real exchanges (visit and return visit) or as one-way visits. They are known collectively as “student mobility programmes”.
In our school, these programmes give to some students currently in year 4 the possibility to spend the whole 1st Semester of year 5 in another European school or an accredited European school, and vice versa. Due to organizational reasons, the number of students that can be admitted to this programme is limited, and not all the requests can be accepted.
If you would like to apply for the programme, please contact the mobility programme coordinator, Ms Sofronieva ( Please do not fill in the forms or annexes indicated in the guidelines below, you will receive further instructions from the coordinator.
The request has to be done as soon as possible and not later than January 12, 2025.
In order to be approved a school exchange needs the approval of the directors of both schools involved. In particular, in our school we always require a preliminary approval of the class council.