Pastoral care

Procedures to follow in case of pupils in danger

Procedures to follow in case of

  • Awareness or assumption of a child in danger
  • Possession, sale, consumption of alcohol or drugs
  • Harassment, intimidation, extortion, blackmail, racketeering, physical, moral and psychological violence

These three procedures are being introduced in our school following the positive experience of other European schools. Our aim is to ensure a follow-up of reported cases of children in danger. These procedures are put in place by the school, but all actors or the school community are welcome to initiate any of them if they deem it necessary.
When circumstances arise and require the application of one of these procedures, please print the appropriate form (see below) in the language of your choice, complete it with the information you have and hand it over to the principal educational adviser for the secondary school and to the deputy head for the primary school, who will make sure that there is a follow-up of the case.

Medical service

Opening hours
First aid and emergency service

Nursery (Room B-02)

  • 08:30 – 16:00
  • 08:30 – 13:00

Primary (Room B-906-1)

  • 08:30 – 16:00
  • 08:30 – 13:00

Secondary (Room C-002)

  • 08:30 – 16:30
  • 08:30 – 13:00

In the event of an accident, pupils are sent directly to the Clinic on service and parents are immediately informed by telephone. Within 3 days, parents must complete and return to the nurse a form to enable the school to draw up an accident declaration. This form is available from the Medical Service

Before the beginning of every school year, parents are required to inform the school Director:
  • Any health problems their children may have that require immediate special care. In the interests of the child, this information will be passed on to the nurse and teachers concerned.
  • Any change of office and/or private telephone number, and where applicable the contact details of a person to be contacted in the event of the parents’ absence.
  • Any change in the child’s state of health during the year must also be notified by post, addressed exclusively to the school director.
Medical examinations

The school employs two part-time doctors. Examinations for nursery, primary and secondary school pupils are carried out every 2 years. These examinations are obligatory.

If a child contracts a contagious disease, parents must inform the school immediately and comply with the school eviction rules. Pupils may only be readmitted to school if they produce a certificate from the school doctor or the doctor treating them.

Projet d’accueil individualisé (PAI)

In case of health problems which need a particular supervision and/or an emergency intervention, a document called “Projet d’accueil individualisé” /personal emergency plan (PAI) that is issued and signed by the family doctor. The necessary medication also has to be handed to the nurse of the school in which the child is enrolled.

Social and psychological sevices


Psychologists do not carry out psycho-educational and/or diagnostic assessments.
These assessments must be carried out outside the school.

The school has links with various social and psychological services. Parents whose children have learning or behavioral problems are asked to first contact the educational advisors or head teacher for information for the secondary school and the deputy director for the primary cycle.

Since May 2009, the school has had two part-time psychologists. Their job is primarily to provide support with academic, emotional and behavioral issues affecting students. They also participate in special needs education procedures with support and information for teachers regarding the specific needs of students.

Appointments must be made by email. Due to the heavy workload of the service, it may take 2-3 days to receive a reply to the email and 10 days to obtain an appointment.

Counselling team (Secondary school)

For many years there has been a counselling team of teachers and Educational Advisers working on a voluntary basis in the school. The members of this group are available to listen in confidentiality to pupils with different kinds of problems and to help them find the appropriate help from professionals, if needed.

The list of counsellors has been distributed via SMS to all the pupils and parents, and is also available at the educational advisers office.