Dear pupil,
Dear parent,
This booklet is intended to help you in making the choice of subjects for years 6 and 7. You will find information about the subject choice process, the organisation of studies and assessment policy in the Baccalaureate cycle and the range of courses offered.
Together with this booklet you will receive the form for the choice of subjects, please return the form to your class teacher by Friday, January 31, 2025.
Mr ALCAZAR coordinates the choices for years 6 and 7. You are very welcome to contact him if you have any questions:
Martin WEDEL
Turn the mobile phone to landscape for a better view.
2025 |
During the week of Monday, January 6 | Parents receive an email with the invitation to the information evening. |
Thursday, January 14 (17:30-20:00) | Information evening for parents. |
Friday, January 31 |
Deadline to return the form for the choice of subjects. (Please note that the choice forms collected at this moment determine the number of students interested in the various subjects offered which is the basis for creating the course grid. Forms received after the deadline will not be considered when creating the grid.) Deadline to return the language change request form. (Please return the language change form together with the subjects choice form) |
March |
When the first choice is not possible, pupils are requested to do a second choice using the course grid this time. |
April |
Language and Mathematics level tests. (Detailed information on the date and organisation of the tests will be communicated in due time) |
Monday, September 1 to Sunday September 14 | Window for requesting a change to the choice of subjects. |
October | Subjects choice control.
(A form is issued to check that there are no mistakes in the choices) |
2026 |
Friday, June 19 | Deadline for requesting a change in the choice of subjects going into s7, see section “Changes between year 6 and 7”. |
September | Level tests for subject changes going into year 7. |
Monday August 31 to Sunday September 13 | On an exceptional basis, late requests for dropping a subject may be submitted during the first two weeks in s7, see section “Changes between year 6 and 7”. |
The pupil’s timetable must have between a minimum of 31 and a maximum of 35 periods per week. Only in exceptional cases may pupils be allowed to take more than 35 periods. Experience has shown that a 35-period week already represents a heavy workload.
There are three types of subjects: compulsory, optional and complementary. The pupil’s programme must have a minimum of 29 periods considering compulsory and optional subjects only.
Compulsory | Compulsory unless chosen as an option | Compulsory unless a science option is chosen | |||
Language 1 (L1) Language 2 (L2) Ethics/Religion Physical education Mathematics |
4p 3p 1p 2p 3 or 5p |
Geography History Philosophy |
2p 2p 2p |
STS | 2p |
1p = 1 period = 45 minutes
STS: Science, Technology and Society |
The 5-period Mathematics can be chosen by a pupil who has followed the 4-period course in year 5 only if the following requirements are met: (a) on the recommendation of the of Mathematics teacher and (b) on condition that the pupil has been successful in a required level test.
Language 2 is normally English, French or German, but pupils may request a Language 2 other than English, French or German for secondary years 6 and 7. This may be accepted subject to the rules relating to a change of Language 2 and to the rules governing the creation of groups. The new Language 2 may be any official language of the European Union. The starting point of this new Language 2 will be B2 proficiency level. [1]
STS is compulsory unless a 4-period science option is chosen (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). STS can be combined with any 4-period science option.
Biology Chemistry Physics Art Music Geography History Philosophy Language 3 (L3) Language 4 (L4) or ONL Economics Latin |
4p | Advanced language 1 Advanced language 2 Advanced Mathematics |
3p |
ONL = Other National Language |
When choosing subjects, pupils are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant teachers to discuss their choice. Contact details are indicated at the end of each subject information sheet, see section “Subject Information Sheets”. When necessary, teachers might have to forward to the Coordinator their opinions about the possible option choices of their pupils.
The importance of the choice of optional subjects must be emphasised, not only for promotion prospects from 6th to 7th year but also for the impact on the possible choices of written and oral examinations in the Baccalaureate.
The Digest of Decisions states that “Pupils cannot continue to study a subject in the 6th year if their results show that they have not been following it satisfactorily in the 4th and 5th years”. The Management may consult the Class Council or the teacher(s) concerned regarding a particular choice. If the Management does not approve a choice, a new choice should take place. In most cases, the decision not to allow a pupil to follow a subject is taken during the end of the year Class Council. The decision is communicated by the Coordinator shortly after. [2]
At the beginning of the 6th year, pupils normally cannot choose an optional subject which they have not taken in the 4th and 5th years. However, this rule may be waived by the Director and the teachers concerned if pupils can proof that their background in the subject is sufficient for them to follow it successfully in years 6 and 7. Pupils will have to pass an assessment to proof that their level is sufficient. This assessment normally involves a formal test on materials covered in S4 and S5.
Advanced subjects involve, as their name suggests, a deeper study of the subject in question and should be chosen only by those pupils who show a clear interest and a particular aptitude for the subject. Pupils opting for an advanced subject should always consult such choice with the relevant teacher.
Advanced Language 1 becomes obligatory in both the written and oral examinations of the Baccalaureate instead of the basic L1 course. Advanced Language 2 becomes obligatory in the written examinations of the Baccalaureate instead of the basic L2 course.
The Advanced Mathematics course can be taken only by those pupils who take the 5-period Mathematics course. Advanced Mathematics cannot be taken as a written examination in the Baccalaureate, but must be taken as the third oral examination if chosen.
From secondary year 4 onwards, History, Geography and Economics courses must be taught in Language 2 (English, French, German or the Host Country Language (HCL) if offered by the school) and may not be taught in Language 1.
If the 4-period History, Geography option courses cannot be organised in the pupil’s Language 2, the pupil may follow it in another Language 2 provided that (1) it is not the pupil’s Language 1, (2) the pupil is able to demonstrate an adequate language proficiency level and (3) the Director gives permission, the Class Council’s opinion being taken into account.
If Economics cannot be organised in the pupil’s Language 2, the pupil may be authorised to take it in another Language 2 (DE, EN, FR) or in the language of the host country, provided that this is not the pupil’s Language 1. Only if the course of Economics is organized in a language the pupil does not know, as a way of an exception, the Director may derogate from the rules and authorise the pupil to follow it through L1. [3]
If an option course normally offered in Language 1 (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and 4-period Philosophy) cannot be organised in the pupil’s Language 1, the pupil may follow it in another language provided that (s)he is able to demonstrate an adequate language proficiency. A candidate who has followed in a foreign language a course normally taught in his Language 1 (or language of the section for SWALS pupils) but not organised in this language in the School attended may use, upon request, a bilingual dictionary (Language 1 / Language of the section ↔ Language of the course) during the written examination of the Baccalaureate. The dictionary will be provided by the School. This applies also to short and long part Pre-Baccalaureate examinations. [4]
Within the regulations for the creation of courses and the school organisational possibilities, L3 may be any official language of the European Union, L4 may be any official language of the countries of the European Union.
Only category I and category II pupils are entitled to the teaching of ONL, which can take place from nursery up to S7. Category III pupils may join existing courses, but courses cannot run exclusively for category III pupils. [5]
The creation of ONL courses is subject to teacher availability. In principle, the school offers the following ONL courses:
- For pupils of Finnish origin [6], Swedish/ Finnish can be requested as Other National Language regardless of the language section the pupil is enrolled in.
- For pupils of Irish origin, Irish as Other National Language can be requested regardless of the language section the pupil is enrolled in.
- For pupils of Maltese origin, Maltese can be requested, regardless of the language section the pupil is enrolled in.
Pupils choosing ONL cannot choose L4.
Classical Studies Digital Art (Specialised Art Lab) Drama (Theatre Studies and Drama) Education for Sustainable Development History of Art ICT Introduction to Economics Laboratory (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Language 5 (L5) Music Political science Sociology Sport Technical Drawing |
2p |
Complementary subjects must be taken by those pupils with less than 31 periods in total after choosing their compulsory and optional subjects. Otherwise, pupils are not obliged to take any complementary subject.
Complementary courses are not involved in the written or oral examinations of the Baccalaureate.
Laboratory courses in Biology, Physics or Chemistry should only be taken by those pupils who have already chosen the corresponding science option. [7]
Complementary courses are taught in one or more of the working languages, except L5. They may be taught to mixed group of pupils from different sections. If a course exists in a pupil’s working language, he/she will take it in that language unless organisational constraints make it impossible; except the Laboratory courses and Drama which are taken in the pupil’s L1 when possible.
In year 6, pupils can start learning a fifth language (L5) as a beginners’ course. These are the languages offered as L5 in our school: Chinese, Dutch, Italian, Luxembourgish, Modern Greek, Portuguese and Spanish.
Pupils who have chosen Economics as an option or who have followed Economics in years 4 and 5 cannot take Introduction to Economics.
For ICT a contribution of 25€ is charged per pupil, per year. This participation is intended to complement the computer rooms with equipment and software licenses.
The determination of L1 at the time of the pupil’s enrolment is, in principle, definitive. Requests to change Language 1 will be dealt with in accordance with the arrangements laid down in Article 47(e) of the General Rules. A change of Language 1 may only be authorised by the Director for compelling pedagogical reasons, duly established by the Class Council and on the initiative of one of its members.
The following changes are possible on entry to year 6: [8]
- change of L2. Pupils may request a L2 different from DE, EN, FR or HCL if offered by the school for secondary years 6 and 7. This may be accepted subject to the rules governing the creation of groups. The new L2 may be any official language of the EU.
- for a given language, change from a lower to a higher level (e.g. change from L4 to L3)
- for a given language, change from a higher to a lower level (e.g. from L2 to L3) in justified cases.
Should a change of language at any age or level be requested, the decision lies with the Director, subject to the following conditions:
- The existence of a reasoned written request from the parents, guardians or from the pupil himself/herself if over the age of 18.
- Deliberation and judgement by the Class Council on the request.
- Clear evidence established by the School of the pupil’s ability to follow the course requested. The School may require the pupil to pass a proficiency (written and oral) test at the required level.
- The absence of significant administrative obstacles to the change requested, such as the compliance with the rules for the creation of groups.
When a change of L2 is approved on entry to year 6, the old L2 remains the medium of teaching for History, Geography and Economics.
Except for a change of L1, when a change of language is desired, a special request form must be handed in together with the choice of subjects form. [9] For L1 changes, please contact the Coordinator (
The school will do its best to organise the courses chosen by the pupils. However, it may not be possible to offer all optional and complementary courses, and some combinations of courses, be it for financial or organisational reasons.
When a choice is not possible, the pupil will do a second choice based on the course grid. [10] Experience shows that approximately 20 % of all pupils must do a second choice. When pupils need to do a second choice, the Coordinator will inform the parents of the problems affecting the first choice and guide them through the second choice process.
Pupils and parents are expected to make a carefully considered choice, having consulted teachers and careers advisers, [11] having informed themselves of the regulations as outlined in this booklet and consulted the subject information sheets.
If you are in doubt as to what subjects to choose please consult your class teacher, your career adviser, or maybe a guidance centre.
Your particular attention is drawn to the fact that the choices selected, when possible, are binding for years 6 and 7.
After the initial choice, no requests for changes will be accepted until the beginning of year 6. If possible, the school will try to accommodate requests for changes to the initial choice during the first two weeks in year 6 to allow for unforeseen year 5 results, see “Important dates”. [12] No changes can be accepted if the number of pupils falls below the minimum required to organise the course. As from the third week of the school year, no more requests will be accepted until the end of the 6th year, when the regulations permit a very limited number of changes, see the section “Changes between year 6 and 7”.
The creation of optional and complementary courses requires a minimum number of pupils. [13]
- Option courses are created with a minimum of 5 pupils.
- Complementary courses are created with a minimum of 7 pupils.
In creating courses, priority will always be given to optional courses over complementary courses.
Optional and complementary courses can be created only if the minimum number of qualified pupils have chosen it and then only within the possibilities of the school organisation. If the group does not have the minimum number of pupils at the start of the school year, there is no guarantee that the course will be created, and pupils might have to make a new choice.
The options taken in S4-S5 can be continued only if sufficient numbers of pupils choose them (with the exception of ONL). ONL groups shall be created even with fewer than five pupils in accordance with the ONL rules.
Even though the 6th and 7th year timetables are organised on the basis of a maximum of 35 periods per week, pupils can, with the approval of the Management, exceed this limit provided that the organisation of such timetable is possible.
A timetable of 35 periods already represents a heavy load, and the Management does not want to encourage pupils to choose more, except in very exceptional cases.
Requests to exceed the 35-period maximum must be addressed in writing, with a justification, please hand in the letter together with the choice form.
The requests will be considered during the summer holiday in the light of the written request, the academic profile of the pupil and technical timetable possibilities.
[1] Arrangements for Implementing the Regulations for the European Baccalaureate (AIREB) (2015-05-D-12-en-44); The European School Curriculum: Structure and Organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools. (2019-04-D-13-en-9); Language policy of the European Schools (2019-01-D-35-en-8)
[2] Digest of Decisions of the Board of Governors of the European Schools (2014-02-D-14)
[3] Language policy of the European Schools (2019-01-D-35-en-8)
[4] Language policy of the European Schools (2019-01-D-35). Please see AIREB 2025 point for further details (2015-05-D-12-en-44).
[5] Language policy of the European Schools (2019-01-D-35-en-8)
[6] For origin, it is understood the nationality of the pupil or the nationality of one of the parents.
[7] The European School Curriculum: Structure and Organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools. (2019-04-D-13-en-9)
[8] Language policy of the European Schools (2019-01-D-35-en-8)
[9] The language change request form is available on the school website: Secondary : Choice of subjects
[10] The course grid comprises all the courses that will run in years 6 and 7. The grid is created in such a way to give the maximum number of students their first choice; it determines which combinations of courses are possible and which not.
[11] Information on orientation and career advice is available on the school website: Secondary : Careers guidance
[12] Please contact the Coordinator in such case (
[13] The European School Curriculum: Structure and Organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools. (2019-04-D-13-en-9)
Starting a new optional or complementary course is not allowed in S7.
Changes of language level are not allowed in S7.
When entering S7, a subject change is possible only if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The pupil’s timetable must still have at least 31 periods.
- There must still be at least two 4-period option courses.
- There must still be 29 periods considering compulsory and optional courses altogether.
- There must still be at least one science (STS, Biology, Chemistry or Physics).
- The course does not fall below the minimum number of pupils required to be organised.
Between S6 and S7, only the following changes of level are possible:
- Mathematics 5-period↔ Mathematics 3-period
- 4-period option ↔ Compulsory 2-period course (same subject)
Between S6 and S7, pupils can change from the STS to any 4-period scientific subject (Biology, Chemistry or Physics) conditional upon the passing of a level test. Between S6 and S7, pupils can change from any 4-period scientific subject to STS provided they maintain the minimum requirements.
A change to a more advanced course (5-period Mathematics, 4-period option) is conditional upon the passing of a level test demonstrating the pupil’s ability to keep up successfully with the requirements of the course requested. The level test will take place at the start of year 7.
Requests for a change of subject at the end of year 6 must be submitted before the deadline, see “Important dates”. The Coordinator will inform parents in due time when requests can be submitted. When the request involves a change of level, it requires the consultation of the Class Council. The Director will decide.
Exceptionally, late requests for dropping a subject may be submitted during the first two weeks of the school year in s7, see “Important dates”. Under no circumstances, a subject change is allowed later.
Please note that changes may be subject to the constraints of the course grid.
If you’re not sure about the prospects of a particular choice, we advise you to have a solid plan B. If you think that there is a real risk that your child will not progress adequately in a particular course, the ideal solution is to have a plan B that does not require compensation in order to drop the course between S6 and S7.
Some examples: if you foresee…
- a possible change from Mathematics 5 to Mathematics 3, take for instance 33 periods in total with a minimum of 31 periods of compulsory and optional courses, so that after switching to Mathematics 3, the student retains 31 periods in total and 29 periods of compulsory and optional courses.
- a possible drop of a 4-period optional subject, take for instance 35 periods in total with a minimum of 33 periods of compulsory and optional courses, with three 4-period optional courses (the minimum requirement is two). Please note that the programme must have at least one science course (the minimum is STS).
Turn the mobile phone to landscape for a better view.
Total study programme: minimum 31 periods, maximum 35 periods
Columns 1+2+3+4: minimum 29 periods
Column 3: minimum 2 options, maximum 4 options
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 | |||||
Language 1 Language 2 Maths 3 or Maths 5 Ethics/Religion Physical Education |
4p 3p 3p 5p 1p 2p |
STS Geography History Philosophy |
2p | Biology Chemistry Physics Art Music Geography History Philosophy Language 3 Language 4 or ONL Economics Latin |
4p | Advanced L1 Advanced L2 Advanced Mathematics | 3p | Classical Studies Digital Art Drama Edu. for Sustainable Development History of Art ICT Introduction to Economics Laboratory (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Language 5 Music Political science Sociology Sport Technical Drawing |
2p |
STS compulsory unless Biology, Chemistry or Physics is chosen as 4-period option course.
2-period Geography, History and Philosophy compulsory if not chosen as 4-period option courses. |
Minimum 2, maximum 4 options in column 3. | Advanced Mathematics only if 5-period Mathematics is chosen. | Complementary Music and Introduction to Economics courses cannot be chosen if the subject is chosen as 4-period option course.
Laboratory course only if the corresponding 4-period science option course is chosen. |
The new assessment policy will enter into force in S6 in September 2025.
The assessment policy establishes two types of assessment, namely formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative assessment focuses on the process of learning. Summative assessment is used to evaluate pupils’ learning at the end of a defined instructional period, i.e., at the end of a semester or school year. Summative assessment is generally evaluative; it serves to determine learning progress and level of attainment in relation to the descriptors established in the syllabus of a subject. [14]
The semester mark shall comprise two numerical components: A mark and B mark.
The A mark focuses on the process of learning, as formative assessment. It reflects the ongoing observations of the pupil’s competences (knowledge, skills and attitude) and performance gained within the subject, which are not taken into account in the B mark of the subject. The B mark represents summative assessment.
The final mark in a given subject shall reflect all the observations and results available to the teacher. It provides the basis to judge the progress and level of attainment of the pupil. It is not necessarily an arithmetical average of the semester marks (two A marks and two B marks) but it may not be lower than the lowest, or higher than the highest. [15]
There are three possible assessment modalities to base the B-mark on depending on the year and subject, namely a B-test, an Alternative Summative Assessment Task (ASAT) or a written examination (“compo”). In s6, harmonised written examinations will take place at the end of the second semester (during the final 4 weeks of the school year and during a maximum of ten consecutive school days). The plan of assessment modalities is reviewed every school year. The plan of assessment modalities and the calendar of B-test and ASAT deadlines is communicated at the start of the school year. The “compo” calendar is in general communicated during the month of May.
To get an idea of the plan and calendar of B-tests and ASAT, you can consult the ones published for S4-S5 on the school website.
[14] Summative assessment from s4 to s6 in the European Schools: Pedagogical and organisational arrangements (2022-12-D-19-en-4.3)
[15] General Rules of the European Schools, Article 59 (2014-03-D-14-en-14)
The organisation of the Baccalaureate described in this section is based on the AIREB 2025 and considering the replacement of 2-period Biology with STS. It may be subject to change before the 2027 Baccalaureate session. [16]
It is highly recommended to have a global view of the regulations governing the European Baccalaureate before doing the choice. For a complete view of the current arrangements regarding the calculation of the Baccalaureate mark and organization of examinations please consult the AIREB 2025. [17]
The final European Baccalaureate mark is calculated as follows:
- 50% for the average preliminary mark
- 35% for the average written examinations mark (7% per exam)
- 15% for the average oral examinations mark (5% per exam)
The 50% corresponding to the average preliminary mark is made up of the class marks (A marks, formative assessment) and part examination (pre-Baccalaureate) marks (B marks, summative assessment) as follows:
- 10% A1 marks (Semester 1)
- 10% A2 marks (Semester 2)
- 30% B marks
Part examinations are organised as a set of short and a set of long written examinations.
Short written examinations
In Philosophy (2 periods) and in Advanced Mathematics: a short written examination is organised as part of the normal school week at the end of each semester. The time allowed is 2 consecutive teaching periods.
In Biology, History and Geography (all with 2 periods a week) either the same as above or 2 short written examinations lasting 1 teaching period are organised as part of the normal timetable in the course of each semester.
For complementary subjects, either the same as above or through other assessment methods prescribed in the syllabus of the subject.
Long written examinations
A set of long written examinations is organised over a maximum of 10 working days at least 10 working days after the Christmas holidays. All the subjects in which a written examination may be taken in the European Baccalaureate are examined, i.e.:
- Language 1
- Language 2
- Mathematics (3 and 5 periods)
- All options (4 periods)
- Language 1 Advanced
- Language 2 Advanced
Every pupil is examined in each of the subjects listed above which he/she is following.
Pre-Baccalaureate examinations must be harmonised within each School.
Please note that S7 pupils can be asked for their choice of examinations already in October.
Candidates will sit 5 written examinations: [18]
- Language 1 (L1 Advanced compulsory if taken)
- Language 2 (L2 Advanced compulsory if taken)
- Mathematics 3 or 5 periods
- Option (4 periods)
- Option (4 periods)
Candidates will take 3 oral examinations:
- Language 1 (L1 Advanced compulsory if taken)
- One choice possible between:
- Language 2 (L2 Advanced if taken)
- History (2 or 4 periods)
- Geography (2 or 4 periods)
- Advanced Mathematics, compulsory if taken, otherwise, choice possible between:
- Philosophy (2 or 4 periods)
- Language 3
- Language 4
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Constraint: Subjects which are taken as the 4th or 5th written examination cannot be taken as orals.
- Pupils and parents will be informed in due time about the Regulations and the Arrangements for implementing the Regulations for the 2027 Baccalaureate.
- It is obligatory to check that with the combination of subjects chosen the pupil can take all the required Baccalaureate examinations considering the constraints indicated above. The following table allows you to plan the choices for the Baccalaureate exams and evaluate different scenarios. [19]
Written exams |
Scenario A |
Scenario B |
Scenario C |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Oral exams |
1 |
2 |
3 |
[16] The current detailed rules for calculation of the European Baccalaureate mark and organization of examinations can be found in the AIREB 2025 (2015-05-D-12-en-44).
[17] Information on the European Baccalaureate on the school website: Secondary > European Baccalaureate.
[18] Additional written examination, see Article 13 in the AIREB 2025 (2015-05-D-12-en-44)..
[19] The number of possible scenarios depends on the actual subject choice, could be more than three. In any case, you should at least be able to complete one scenario. If you have any doubt on this point, please contact the coordinator (
- Personal data
The pupil’s data are indicated at the top of the form: name, class and class teacher. This part is not to be changed. - Courses in S5
This part shows the pupil’s subjects in year 5. This part is not to be changed. - Choice of subjects
This part should be filled in in the following way:- Check the boxes corresponding to the subjects chosen while respecting the rules explained in this booklet.
- Mathematics: Write in the box 3p or 5p according to the Mathematics level chosen.
- In case of requesting a change of Ethics/Religion course, indicate the new course in the corresponding box. Please specify the new course using the abbreviations below. If no change is requested, leave the box empty.
- RCA Catholic Religion
- RPR Protestant Religion
- ROR Orthodox Religion
- RJU Jewish religion
- MOR Ethics
- Calculate the total of periods for each column and check that the total corresponds to the minimum/maximum figures indicated:
- at least 29 periods for the total of columns 1 to 4
- between 31 and 35 periods overall (columns 1 to 5)
- The form needs to be dated and signed by both the pupil and the parents.
Daniel Alcazar
Coordinator S4-S7